
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Live lecture! Shaykh Ali Ar-Razihi: Implementing The Qu'ran

Bismillaah wa -Alhamdulillaah wa Salaatu wa Salaam 'alaa Rasulillaah 'amma ba'd
Shaykh 'Ali Ibn Ahmad ar-Razihi (May Allaah Preserve Him), one of the mashaayikh from Dar ul Hadeeth of  Ma'bar Yemen, will deliver a LIVE tele-lecture with Muwahhideen Publications on Wednesday 19th December, 2012. The Shaykh is a teacher at the markaz under the supervision of the noble scholar Ash-Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam (hafidhahullaah). Shaykh ‘Ali ar-Razihi will expound on the great importance of the Qur’aan in our daily life. This session will also be broadcast in three Masaajid in Trinidad & Tobago and five Masaajid in the U.S. In Trinidad & Tobago: Masjid Ibn 'Abbaas, Tobago, Masjid ul Khaleefah and Masjid us Sunnah, and in the US: Masjid Al-Bukhaari, Florida, Masjid Uthaymeen, New Jersey, Masjid Nur-Allaah, New York, Masjid Ibn 'Abbas, Georgia, and Masjid Tawheed, Michigan

This lecture will be translated LIVE into English by Hisham Abouzeid, inshaaAllaah

It is reported that Sa’d Ibn Hishaam Ibn Aamir said to Aa’ishah (radhiyAllaahu ‘anhaa):
O Mother of the believers, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). She said: Have you not read the Qur’aan? I said: Of course. She said: Verily the character of the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa salaam) was theQur’aan. [Muslim]
In explaining this narration, Ibn Rajab (rahimahullaah) said: “What this means is that he followed its etiquette and adopted its attitude. Whatever was praised in the Qur'aan, he was pleased with, and whatever was condemned in the Qur'aan he hated. It says in one report that she said: His attitude was the Qur’aan, whatever it was pleased with he was pleased with and whatever it hated he hated.” [Jaami’ al-‘Uloom wa’l-Hukam (1/148)]
So it is seen that the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) implemented the rulings of the Qur’aan in every aspect and it was that which he lived his life by. If we want to be successful in this life and the next it is absolutely necessary that we follow his perfect example and implement that which is established in the Qur’aan; first of all in our behaviour with our Lord then with our parents, spouses, neighbours, the general Muslims and other than them, as well as in every sphere of our lives.
Shaykh ‘Ali ar-Razihi (hafidhahullaah) will admonish us concerning the extreme importance of implementing the Qur’aan in our daily lives and by the Permission of Allaah encourage us to follow the footsteps of our Prophet Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and our righteous predecessors in adhering to legislation in its entirety, as much as we are able.
We ask Allaah to grant us beneficial knowledge and guide us to act upon it and to make the Qur’aan the spring of our hearts, the light of our chests, the banisher of our sadness and the reliever of our distress.
Tune in via PalTalk in the Room: Muwahhideen Publications
Beyluxe Messenger Room: LIVE Salafi Duroos From Yemen
InshaaAllaah ta'alaa
Wa Billaahi Tawfeeq
Wa SallAllaahu wa Sallaama wa Barak 'alaa Nabiyanna Muhammad wa 'alaa 'Alyhi wa Sahbyhi wa Sallam

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