Bismillaah wa -Alhamdulillaah wa Salaatu wa Salaam 'alaa Rasulillaah 'amma ba'd
The Noble Shaykh ‘Abdur Raqeeb al-Ulabi (May Allaah Preserve Him) will deliver a LIVE tele-lecture with Muwahhideen Publications on Sunday 3rd March 2013 regarding the punishment and bliss of the grave. Shaykh ‘Abdur Raqeebis a student of Ash-Shaykh Al-Allaamah Al-Muhaddith, The Imaam of Yemen, Shaykh Abu ‘Abdur Rahmaan Muqbil Ibn Hadee al-Waadi’ee (rahimahullah) and is a teacher in Markaz Dar-ul-Hadeeth in Ma’bar, Yemen. This event will be broadcast LIVE in Masjid Ibn 'Abbaas, Tobago, two masaajid in Trinidad, Masjid ul Khaleefah and Masjid us Sunnah, and six Masaajid in the U.S. Masjid Al-Bukhaari, Florida, Masjid Ibn 'Abbas, Georgia, Masjid Uthaymeen, New Jersey, Masjid Nur Allaah, New York, Masjid as-Sahabah, Ohio and Masjid Tawheed, Michigan.
This lecture event will be translated LIVE into English by Hisham Abouzeid, inshaaAllaah.
It is the firm belief of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah, which has been corroborated by the texts and the ijmaa’ of Ahlul ‘Ilm, that the punishment or bliss in the grave is a sure reality.
Haanee, the freed slave of ‘Uthmaan (radhiyAllaahu ‘anhu) related,
Whenever ‘Uthmaan (radhiyAllaahu ‘anhu) stood at a grave he would weep until his beard became soaked in tears. It was said to him: Paradise and Hell are mentioned to you, and you do not weep, but you weep over this. So he said: Indeed the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Indeed the grave is the first stopping place for the Hereafter. So if he is saved therein, then what comes after that is easier than that. If he is not saved therefrom, then that which comes after is harder.” [Hasan: Related by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2424), and Ibn Maajah (no. 4267), and it has been authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaanee in Takhreejul-Mishkaat (no. 132)]
An-Naasiree (d.652H) - rahimahullaah - said in an-Noorul-Laami’ (no. 110):
‘‘We have eemaan in the Punishment of the Grave and its Bliss…this is the madhhab of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. So it is obligatory to have ‘Aqeedah in this.’’
Further evidence for this is found in the well-known hadeeth of Al-Bara’ Ibn ‘Aazib (radhiyAllaahu ‘anhu) where it is stated that it will be said regarding the believing slaves, “…prepare for them a bed in Jannah; clothe them from Jannahand open for them a gate to Jannah. Then there comes to them some of its fragrance and the grave is made wide, as far as they can see.” Conversely, it will be said regarding the disbelievers from mankind, “...prepare for them a bed in Hellfire and open for them a gate to Hellfire. There comes to them some of its heat and hot winds, and the grave is constricted until their ribs are squeezed. [Abu Dawud, Bool on Al-Sunnah,no.4753; and Ahmad, Musnad, vol.4, p.296]
Our Shaykh ‘Abdur Raqeeb al-Ulabi (hafidhahullaah) will admonish us concerning this unequivocal issue based on evidences from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) upon the understanding of our Pious Predecessors.
We ask Allaah to grant us bliss in our graves and we seek refuge in Him from its punishment.
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InshaaAllaah ta'alaa
Wa Billaahi Tawfeeq
Wa SallAllaahu wa Sallaama wa Barak 'alaa Nabiyanna Muhammad wa 'alaa 'Alyhi wa Sahbyhi wa Sallam
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