Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ramzaan al Haajiree
Allah has mentioned, "If you aid Allah, He will aid you and he will plant your feet firm.”
Allah, in this verse, has made it clear that He aids the one that aids his religion - so what is the meaning of this? So how does the servant gain the aid of Allah ? How does he seek the aid of Allah? How is the aid of Allah obtained?
It is obtained by six matters:
1. He aids Allah by establishing Tawheed
2. He aids Allah by warning against and being cautious of shirk
3. He aids Allah by being established on the Sunnah
4. He aids Allah by warning against Bid’ah
5. He aids Allah by establishing acts of worship and acts of obedience
6. He aids Allah by staying away and distancing himself from the major sins and acts of disobedience
So if he fulfills these matters he will receive the aid of Allah.
He aids the muwahhiddeen - the one who are upon tawheed. He aids those who make ittibaa - who follow the sunnah. Those who remain upright upon the deen of Allah.
"If you aid Allah, He will aid you and plant your feet firm"
One’s feet are not planted firmly with bid’ah, sins, and transgression. So you, the one who wants the aid of Allah, it is imperative that you fulfill these matters. And this path does not have any crookedness in it.
Allah has said, "This is my straight path so follow it, do not follow the divergent path so that you may receive piety."
And forever remain firm so that you be granted success - to be upright on the religion
Allah mentioned, so stay upright as you have been commanded to be upright.
Whoever claims to be upon istiqaamah without responding to Allah and the affair of Allah that is not istiqaamah, that is not uprightness rather that is deviancy because the one who opposes the deen of Allah is under the threat of Allah in actuality.
Allah said, Let those be warned those who oppose His command that a fitna will overcome [them].
Those who innovate in the religion, their actions will be returned back to them - or they will not be rewarded for them.
The Prohet (saaws) said Whoever innovates in our religion, it is not accepted of them and it will be rejected.
That is the deen of Allah. Having ikhlas (sincerity) and worship. And they were not commanded except to worship Allah and that they establish the prayer and pay zakah and this is the upright deen.
One does not obtain aid with anything greater than fulfilling the deen. One of the greatest reasons to be overcome is to commit shirk. And that is the promise of Allah in the earth. The promise of Allah will take place!
Allah has promised those who have iman that He will establish them in the earth as He established those before them and that He will establish for them their deen and that He will change their condition of fear to a condition of safety so as long as they worship Him and not commit shirk.
Oh you Muslim! The athari, the salafi! Cling to the straight path! And be upright just as you have been commanded. Cling to the Sunnah and to the obedience and stay away from the bidah and the shirk - that will deplete a person from receiving the aid of Allah.
Beware of jealousy and rancor and envy and the yearnings of the soul, and loving to be put forward and being turned to.
Beware of the desires and the doubts, beware of the disputes and differing as they are the greatest of that which splits the ranks.
And do not dispute thus become weak and your strength leave you as Allah said.
Beware of those who come among you and spread ‘he say, she say’.
To be established in the deen of Allah is the great intent of Islam that one strives for.
True eminence, true security, and true tranquility will not be gained except by fulfilling the aqeedah and believing in it. True iman. Just as Allah has said that those who believe and do not cover their belief with oppression, these are the ones who will have security and they will be rightly guided. Those who single Allah out for worship and do not make shirk. They will have complete security in this world and in the hereafter. And [they will have] guidance. Whosoever Allah guided none can misguide him and whoever Allah allows astray none can guide him.
The majority of those who have not been guided are those who had fallen in shirk and that which comes after it from the various forms of misguidance.
They don’t have the guarantee and the promise of Allah because they had fallen in shirk but the one who singles Allah out has the promise of Allah
So beware of changing your colors in the religion. A great evil is that you deem good of what you used to speak of as evil and speak evil of what you used to deem as good.
It has been established in the deen - the dua - Allahumma ya muqaallibal quloobi thabbit qalbi al deenik (Oh Allah, Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm on your deen)
Oh Allah establish our hearts firm upon that which brings your good pleasure.
With this advice I call myself and yourselves to remain firm on that and be upright upon this and inshallah on that note, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah.
We thank Allah and we thank you for hearing the lecture. We thank you, and inshallah, we will meet you.
Translated by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Transcribed by Riffat Sheikh
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