Bismillaah wa -Alhamdulillaah wa Salaatu wa Salaam 'alaa Rasulillaah 'amma ba'd
On Monday 4th March 2013, Muwahhideen Publications will host a LIVE tele-link lecture with Shaykh Hasan ibn 'Ali ‘Alaywah (May Allaah Preserve Him). The Shaykh is a student of Ash-Shaykh Muqbil al-Wadi'ee and is a teacher at Dar-ul-Hadeeth, Shihr, Yemen. This event will be broadcast LIVE in Masjid Ibn 'Abbaas, Tobago, two masaajid in Trinidad, Masjid ul Khaleefah and Masjid us Sunnah, and six masaajid in the U.S. Masjid Al-Bukhaari, Florida, Masjid Ibn 'Abbas, Georgia, Masjid Uthaymeen, New Jersey, Masjid Nur Allaah, New York, Masjid as-Sahabah, Ohio and Masjid Tawheed, Michigan.
This lecture event will be translated LIVE into English by Hisham Abouzeid, Inshaa Allaah.
Our Noble Prophet Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,
"The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of a seller of musk and the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows. As for the seller of musk, then either he will grant you some, or you buy some from him, or at the very least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows, then either he will burn your clothes, or you will get an offensive smell from him." [Related by al-Bukhaaree (4/323) and Muslim (no.2628), from Abu Moosaa al-Ash'aree radiallaahu 'anhu.]
He (sallaAlaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) also stated,
"A person is upon the religion of his friend, so let one of you look to whom he keeps as a friend." [Hasan: Related by Abu Dawood (no.4812) and others, from Abu Hurayrah radiyAllaahu 'anhu. Imaam an-Nawawee authentcated it in Riyaadhus-Saaliheen (no. 174).]
Abu Sulayman said:
“The Prophet’s (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) statement that one follows the religion of his friend, means, befriend only he whom you are pleased with his religious conduct and honesty, for if you take such a person to be your friend, he will direct you to his religious nature and honesty. Furthermore, do not compromise in religion or risk befriending those who are unacceptable religiously or in their mannerism.” [Al-’Uzlah, p510]
Shaykh Hasan ‘Alaywah (hafidhahullaah) will offer some advice on this ever pertinent issue and enlighten us on the characteristics of the good companion as well as that of the vile companion so by the Permission of Allaah we may practice caution regarding those we take as close companions because they undoubtedly have a profound effect on us
We ask Allaah to grant us good companions who will aid us in righteousness and that He protects us from vile companions who will bring us nothing but loss.
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InshaaAllaah ta'alaa
Wa Billaahi Tawfeeq
Wa SallAllaahu wa Sallaama wa Barak 'alaa Nabiyanna Muhammad wa 'alaa 'Alyhi wa Sahbyhi wa Sallam
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